
My name is Majid Aliyev

I grew up in Baku, Azerbaijan. I am a lifestyle photographer who absolutely loves his job and everything that comes with it. I appreciate the people I meet, the places I go, the hours I keep, and the spontaneity in every shoot.

I appreciate the raw reality of everyday life, the fleeting beauty of those in-between moments, and I do my very best to take every picture with that in mind. I want my viewers to relate to my photographs through recognition of and familiarity with the situations, the emotions, and the energy so much that they wonder if they are looking at a picture of someone they know.

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JIS работало с Меджидом уже в нескольких проектах для Nar Mobile. В нашей работе очень важна стабильность. Качественно снимать могут многие фотографы, но обеспечивать стабильное качество единицы. В Мeджиде наше агенство нашло стабильного партнера!

Jeykhun Imanov
JIS Director

,,Вы становитесь тем, о чем думаете. ” БУДДА. Я думаю , ты Меджид , правильно думаешь. 

Senan Aleskerov
Famous photo guru

Great personality and one of the best sport photographer of Azerbaijan

Beqa Goletiani
Red Bull Athletes Manager UAE at Red Bull